Doctor J
Jay Null, better known by the alias Doctor J, is the engineer and creator of the Wing Gundam and Heero's mentor.
Then sent to Earth independently in extremely advanced Mobile Suits, one designed by each of the scientists, known as "Gundams". Their mobile suits are called Gundams because they are constructed from a rare and astonishingly durable material known as Gundanium Alloy, which can only be created in outer space.
The five Gundam Pilots — Heero Yuy (pilot of the titular Wing Gundam), Duo Maxwell (pilot of the Deathscythe), Trowa Barton (pilot of the Heavyarms), Quatre Raberba Winner (pilot of the Sandrock), and Chang Wufei (pilot of the Shenlong) — originally have no knowledge of each others' existence.
On first meeting any of the other five, each pilot believes the others to be enemy pilots in new OZ mobile suit designs. Once the young pilots realize that they have the same objective of destroying OZ (and in some cases the same mission), they band together to help each other complete their goals.
The Gundam Scientists were the five scientists responsible for the design and construction of the OZ-00MS Tallgeese mobile suit. Together, the scientists also drew up the schematics for a Gundam that was superior in every way to the other five Gundams and any other MS created. These designs would later be found by a distraught Quatre Raberba Winner, who would finish the construction of the mobile suit XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero. The scientists' Tallgeese suit was used by the United Earth Sphere Alliance as the basis for their OZ-06MS Leo type mass-produced suits. After the designs for Zero were finished, the scientists split up, each taking a copy of the plans. The scientists would use the plans to create a Gundam unique to themselves. These five Gundams, however, would not be as strong as the Zero and would not contain the hazardous Zero System. The scientists and their unique suits are listed below.
Jay Null, better known by the alias Doctor J, is the engineer and creator of the Wing Gundam and Heero's mentor.
The engineer and creator of Deathscythe, as well as co-creator of the spaceship Peacemillion and Duo's mentor.
is the engineer and creator of the Gundam Sandrock and Quatre's mentor, he is an expert in Mobile Suit cockpit systems.
Wu Wanglong, better known by the alias Master O, is the engineer and creator of Shenlong and Wufei's mentor.
Quatre Raberba Winner, derived from French quatre, lit. "four" is the pilot of the Gundam Sandrock and the leader of G Team, one of the five Gundams sent to Earth in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.
Duo Maxwell, derived from Latin duo, lit. "two" is the pilot of XXXG-01D Gundam Deathscythe, one of the five Gundams sent to Earth in Mobile Suit Gundam Wing.
Heero Yuy is the pilot of the XXXG-01W Wing Gundam and its ancestor, the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero.
Chang Wufei is the pilot of XXXG-01S Shenlong Gundam and its upgraded form the XXXG-01S2 Altron Gundam.
Torowa Bāton, derived from French trois, lit. "three" is the pilot of XXXG-01H Gundam Heavyarms and the XXXG-01HC Gundam Heavyarms Custom
Treize Khushrenada, his name is derived from the French word for "thirteen". A calm, calculating man, Treize is a complex individual, playing both the chivalrous, anachronistic knight and the ruthless tyrant.
Zechs Merquise, lit. "six", eenowned for his amazing skills in combat, his exploits earned him the title "Lightning Count/Baron". A personal friend of OZ leader Treize Khushrenada. His real name is actually Milliardo Peacecraft, the heir to the Sanc Kingdom throne, and older brother of Relena Peacecraft