Jay Null A.K.A Doctor J

Cheif Engineer and Inventor of the Gundam Wing Mobile Suit

Doctor J was one of the scientists who designed the Tallgeese, but left after the Earth's Force Alliance began oppressing the colonies. After joining with other like minded scientists, the first Gundam models were created for retaliation against the Alliance. The operation was risky but ultimately succeded in showing the mobile suits superior ability in mobile suit warefare.

Early in his life he was a university professor and friend of the Heero Yuy and Tomas Quarant, the elder brother of Quinze. Involved with the first anti-Alliance rebellion and mentoring young Gundam pilot, he lost his arm as a result of a bomb planted by the Alliance. He later helped create the Wyvern, a mobile armor that contained an early form of the ZERO System, in order to aid Princess Katrina Peacecraft to fight and protect the Sanc Kingdom.


Operation Meteor

The year was after colony 175

Operation Meteor was the first strategic rebellion plan created by members of the space colonies against the Earth's Sphere Alliance, Oz organisation, and the Rommafeller foundation. The plan included the secret development of the first Gundam Suits which landed on Earth disguised as meteors.


Gundam Wing Zero

The future of mobile suits.

Doctor J was reunited with his fellow scientists when they were all apprehended by OZ. Lady Une demanded that they construct mobile suits that are even more powerful than the Gundams. The scientists complied by creating the OZ-13MSX2 Mercurius and OZ-13MSX1 Vayeate.


Looking for an Engineer? Get in touch!

Better known by the alias Doctor J. My distinguishing features include eye lenses, leg braces and a prosthetic right arm.

Innovative Design

As evidenced by the invention of the Tallgeese and Wing Zero Gundam models.


The Zero system is at the forefront of AI technology and mobile combat reaction/anticipation system.


There is nothing more architecturaly beautiful than the elegant design of a Gundam Mobile Suit.


Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomative... Wait what!??


Don't even think about it.


Safer than corona ;)


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Get in code today and let's see if it's interesting;)